This booklet contains articles, call for justice, informations related to the Eurotop in Göteborg. Money
raised from the benefit party in Vrankrijk on April 27th 2002 goes to the Solidaritetsgruppen and the Swedish
Anarchist Black Cross.
Addresses of people in jail and support groups
Prosecutions and verdicts, some detailed cases
Update from Solidaritetsgruppen, March 6th 2002
Call for Justice after the Occurrences in Gothenburg
Oproep voor gerechtigheid na de gebeurtenissen in Goteborg
Sweden is heading towards an indefinite future where justice may have no place
40 Gothenburg police suspected of neglect of duty
Letter sent to Motkraft on April 11th 2002
Nog een politierapport Goteborg
Article from Göteborgs-posten 24.03.2002
Wij eisen genoegdoening voor de overtreding van de politie
Het 15e Juni Initiatief
Noorwegen sluit grenzen bij ABCDE-vergadering
Statewatch reports related to Schengen Information System (SIS) and Europol
Hannes Westberg
Anstalten i Skanninge
box 214
(sentenced to 8 months)
Ivar Andersen
Anstalten i Aby
Funbo, 755 97 UPPSALA
(sentenced to 8 months)
Anstalten i Boras,
box 221 13
500 02 BORAS
(sentenced to 20 months)
Luigino Longo support group
(sentenced to 2 years)
c/o Syndikalistiskt Forum
Box 7267
402 35 Goteborg
Anarchist Black Cross/ASH
Box 4081
10262 Stockholm
Prosecution 2
Date of prosecution: 4 of July 2001
Prosecuted for: Rioting
Who: 7 persons from Denmark
The verdict of the appeal court: JB prison 6 months, CW prison 5 months, RLH prison 5 months, LJ prison 8 months, JM juvenile prison 1 month, KS prison 8 months, JS prison 6 months
Status: Appealed to the Supreme Court, but the Supreme Court decided not to do this case.
These seven Danes were tracked by an undercover policeman who says he saw them throwing stones at the police. He then followed them to the café were they took their hoods of. During the first trial, the prosecution showed random video footage of the riots in Goteborg where no person could be identified. The first appeal was only a remake of the first trial, confirming sentences. As the Supreme Court refused to do this case, the case is announced to the European Court of Justice.
Prosecution 6
Date of prosecution: 9 of July 2001
Prosecuted for: Preparing assault and heavy damage
Who: S B, J P J, K M, J D R, S K S (5 persons from Denmark)
The verdict of city court: acquitted
Status: Appealed by the prosecutor. The prosecutor has cancelled two appeals, for S B and JDR. Date for trial in appeal court: 6 of may 2002
The five Danes were prosecuted for preparing assault and destruction of property. These guys made big headlines when they were arrested in an apartment containing five "bombs", later proven to be five big firecrackers made out of bits of garden hose. The police maintained they would have caused "great damage". The apartment also contained some signal flares and a can of butyric acid, an acid that smells very badly it was probably going to be used against police dogs along with the "bombs". The Danes denied any knowledge of these items since they were only borrowing the apartment from a friend who was out of town. The police had followed these guys around as they made several trips into a nearby forest. The police later found a glove with butyric acid on it in those woods.
One of the 27-year old Danish activist will receive a compensation pay of 4,400 Euros after Swedish courts found he was arrested without justification during the EU summit in Gothenburg, June 2001. They were arrested when they arrived in Gothenburg on the morning of the 12th June 2001, two days before the summit, and accused of preparations for sabotage. The man spent one month in jail, before the charges against him were dropped. His name appeared in the Danish press.
Prosecution 7 (closed case)
Date of prosecution: 11 July 2001
Prosecuted for: two instances of 'violent rioting'
Who Luigino "Gigi" Longo (43 year old Italian citizen living in Norway)
The verdict of appeal court: Prison 2 years and banned from Sweden for 10 years
Status: The verdict has become legally binding. The Supreme Court decided not to try the case. He is in prison in
Norway. The case is announced to the European court of justice, but that court can't influence the punishment,
but it can criticizes and can order Sweden to pay a fine to the accused person.
Luigino "Gigi" Longo is a trade unionist and socialist that has been on sick leave from his work as a cook since
February because of a serious heart condition. He was sentenced for being violent but the evidence seems dubious
or non-existent. The second biggest Norwegian taboid Dagbladet could report the fact that the police have changed
the date of their video "evidence". Originally they had footage claimed to have been taken between 12.00 and
15.00 on Thursday the 14th. Unfortunately for the prosecutor, Norwegian national television was filming Gigi in
the Attac-bus heading from Oslo to Gothenburg playing guitar at this time. In fact he didn't arrive in Gothenburg
until three hours later. They still used the video of a person that they thought was Gigi without dating the time
of the footage. The evidence for his biggest alleged crime is however not based on this footage where a person,
who the prosecution thinks is Gigi, is holding a tree trunk. 2 of the 21/2 years are based on him supposedly
injuring a police officer with a stone in the Anti-capitalist march on Friday. Of this there is no footage, and
not even a police witness seeing this has been produced. The injured policeman didn't see who threw the stone at
him. The prosecution has however been able do deduce this from the testimony of another policeman who claims he
saw Gigi as the only one among a "peaceful section" of the anticapitalist march throwing something. Gigi denies
throwing any stone. These are the evidence for the repeated felony that have convinced the judge to give the
prosecutor everything he asked for: 21/2 years. Gigi is still isolated in a prison cell in Gothenburg (in august
2001). Only his partner has been able to visit him (this is normal in Sweden), letters have not reached him, and
he wasn't even allowed to phone his daughter at her 17th birthday on Sunday a week ago. He has been to hospital
at least once during his stay, because he had breathing problems. (His family was not informed of this - not even
by the defense lawyer - until much later). The family, both his ex-wife, her partner, Gigi's partner and his
daughter are working for his appeal and for the campaign "Free Gigi".
Donations can be sent to:
Luigino Antonio Longo, c/o Trygve Guntvedt, Friis gt. 6, 0187 Oslo, Norway
Account 05373086055
Prosecution 8 (closed case)
Date of prosecution: 13 of July 2001
Prosecuted for: Leading riots
Who J E (20 years, from Nacka, near Stockholm)
The verdict of the appeal court: 2 years and 6 months
Status: The verdict has become legally binding. The Supreme Court decided not to try the case. The case is announced to the European Court of Justice, but that court can't influence the verdict, but it can criticizes and can order Sweden to pay a fine to the accused person.
He was prosecuted for leading, "carefully" planning and instigating violent riots. A group of 5-10 of the Swedish secret police had been following him around for a month since he had been arrested during the protests in Prague. During the trial the police witnesses refused to say why they were watching him. They only said they were following orders. The sentenced is active in the swedish White Overal group Globalisering Underifran. His defence attorney, Stig Centerwall, says he has been convicted without any evidence. "I've never seen anything like this." He was arrested one kilometre from one of the riots he supposedly instigated. The verdict is, among other things, based on the fact that the 20 year old man waved his arms during a riot (he says he waved at a friend). A police witness testified that there could be "no doubt" that he directed the riot. Stig Centerwall: "It's guesswork from the police. That the court hereby finds it proven that he encouraged violence against the police suggests that they haven't tried the evidence enough. The court hasn't been as careful as it should have." Centerwall also states that the court is putting all political groups in the same category and is trying to smear the left. "It is dangerous to do so." Centerwall was thinking his client was going to be freed of all charges in the upcoming appeal. The final verdict is 2 years and 6 months. It would have been 3 years if he had been older.
Prosecution 9 (closed case)
Date of prosecution: 12 July 2001
Prosecuted for: violant rioting
Who: Paul Robinson (33 year, England)
The verdict of appeal court: Prison 1 year, banned from Sweden for 10 years
Status: The verdict has become legally binding . The supreme court did not allow a trial. He is was in prison and was released in the middle of February 2002.
Paul Robinson , 33 years old librarian, trade unionist, from London, UK, was prosecued for 'violent rioting'. The prime evidence against him consisted of a 20 second long clip of videotape showing Paul, standing alone in a gap in the crowd, throwing a small rock underarm that went about two metres without reaching anybody. Paul has freely admitted that he 'threw' the rock, it was nothing more than a mere gesture to him.
Paul's trial was originally set for June 30th 2001. Because the Prosecutor had only managed to interview one of the three police witnesses by then, it was delayed till July 11th when it was heard at Gothenberg District Court. The bench consisted of a judge and three local politicians. The defence was given two days to prepare its case and was not allowed access to all the video footage that the police had seen. At the start of the trial the defence were not aware of all the evidence that would be presented against Paul.
Much video evidence was used. It showed general scenes of the riots that took place. Paul did not feature in any of this footage. A ten second clip showed Paul rolling a small stone underarm which travelled in a direction parallel to the police. It travelled about 2 metres and came to a halt in a gutter without landing near anyone. Paul was pictured in a side street alone. The nearest people to him were reporters. He was clearly not part of the rioting crowd.
Two of the police witnesses stated that they did not see Paul throwing stones or committing any violent act. The third stated that he saw Paul throw a stone overarm at the police (video evidence clearly contradicts this statement).
After presenting the evidence the prosecutor produced two stones, one small and one much larger: he said that Paul threw a small stone like the one he had in his hand farthest from the bench but he kept stating that stones like the much larger one he held in his hand nearest the bench were thrown in the riot and he kept on lifting it to draw the bench's attention to that one and away from the small one.
He also told the court that Paul was tried previously for a similar offence in England even though he was found not guilty on that occasion. By saying this (which he had previously told the defence lawyer he would not) the prosecutor was attempting to show guilt by association.
The verdict was announced and the sentence passed seven days later. Paul was not present in court for it. He was found guilty and sentenced to one year in prison and he received a five-year Schengen ban. He was told of his sentence by a prison warder who took a sadistic delight in its severity. Paul believed that the man was joking but a subsequent phone call to his lawyer told him that he was not.
One of the things the judge said in his summing up of Paul's case was that stones were being thrown at the police from all directions so the crowd was tried as one. None of the evidence presented at Paul's trial supported this statement.
The appeal took place on September 12th, 2001. The verdict remained prison for 1 year and a ban from Sweden for 10 years. Even if the evidence was deemed to be showing Paul committing a crime, then sentences for similar crimes in Sweden have usually been imprisonment for 2 months.
Prosecution 16 (closed case)
Date of prosecution: 18 of July
Prosecuted for: Rioting
Who H H (20 years, Germany)
The verdict of appeal court: acquitted
The 20 year old german was prosecuted for leading a group of five rioters and 'violent rioting'. The court says in the verdict that he was well prepared and had planned to partake in riots since he was wearing a ski mask, gloves, and protective goggles. He says he was in Gothenburg to write an article for a German union paper. The court thought this was strange since he doesn't understand Swedish... An interesting element of this judgement is that the court's chairperson (the only legal scholar of court's board) wanted to free him. The chairperson did not think that the evidence was 100% conclusive as the police's video evidence contained discrepancies regarding clothing. His objection to the verdict was exactly the same as the defence lawyer's. The chance of wining the appeal in this case was strong. He was sentenced to1 year and 2 months and Schengen Ban. Acquitted by the appeal court.
Prosecution 20
Date of prosecution: ?
Prosecuted for: Rioting, instigation of riot, causing riot
Who: "the command central"
The verdict of city court: AB Prison 1 year 8 moths , MJ Prison 1 year 4 moths, AL 2 years 4 months, SN Prison 1 year 4 months, SN Prison 1 year 4 months, RS Prison 2 years, MW Prison 2 years, HS Prison 1 years 8 months
Status: It is still not clear if it's going in appeal to the Supreme Court.
In the biggest of all courtcases after GBG 2001, the court lowered their sentence in the appeal. The reason is that they rejected the only real connection between the communicationcentral and the riots: the well debated sms-messages and the telephone contact with a 20 year old person on the streets. Despite all this, the "command central" in going to around 2 years in prison each for "assisting violent riot". Their guilt is not proven as the court itself admited! But says that "what else can they been up to" and that they actually were in contact with this 20 year old person that in his courtcase got convicted for violent riot. Do we have to tell you that the 20 year old person got convicted with the strongest argument for have been in contact with the communication central?
In several courtcases the prosecutor has been showing video clips of the most violent scenes for the diffrent riots that took part during the Eu-summit, even if the acused person weren't even their. In the courtcase against the "command central" they showed pictures about how sms-dataprogramms work. The whole thing started with a picture of a demonstrator pointing a gun at a cop. the picture is from Germany.
One cop is going top be trialed, acused for lying. The cop was working as a silent cop and went to a planning meeting before the riots. He say he wittnessed a 20 year-old person (the same that was the "command central's contact" on the street) being really agressive in his language and saying that "if some fucking cop bastards show up we'll give them a fight!". What the cop didn't know about was that a photographer recorded the meeting. On the video it's really clear that the 20 year-old person doesn't say any of this stuff and only describes the white overalls well know action of a symbolic break-in, that will be none-violent. This is not the only case that looks like this. one silent cop is "totallt sure" he saw NN leave in one direction, when a video recording later on proves NN went a total diffrent way.
Another silent cop is even "totally sure" that he saw NN smashing a specific policecar window with a wooden stick. A serie of still-pictures taken by photographer Jörgen Hassler proves that the window was smashed by two persons standing on top of the car. And NN is nowhere in sight. It's on these wittnesses the court relay on when they give their sentenses, so I would like to quote Rudbacks reflection in the appeal: "After this it's hard to not ask the question how often someone innocent is made guilty, when the courts take for granted that the cops statement not only are belivieable but trustworthy which is of big differance." by Nils Wadström, Aftonbladet, 18.02.2002
About the "command central", myth created by the swedish media, read also the article "Sweden is heading towards an indefinite future where justice may have no place" by Nils Wadström, IMC Sweden.
Prosecution 21 (closed case)
Date of prosecution: October 2001
Prosecuted for: Rioting, assault of police officer
Who Hannes Westberg (Boy from Goteborg shot in stomach by police)
The verdict of city court: Prison 8 months
Status: Not appealed. The decision has become legally binding. He is in prison. The second investigation on the
cop that shot Hannes Westberg is closed.
Police manipulated video evidence that has been used against people in their court cases. Among others they cut
out a part where one cop kicks a person in the head. From MTV footage, a lot of different sequences had been
edited together to make the situation looking far more stressing for the police than it was in reality. In total
over 30 different scenes are put together in the period of a few minutes. When the cops are shooting the
warningshots at Vasaplatsen, sound of shotguns had been given bigger effect. As the cops showed it, all the
people fled, but when you look closer at it, you can clearly see that the people running are filmed from a total
different block. In the sequenses taken by the belgian fotographer Daniel Demostier when Hannes Westberg got
shot, the cops had added voices of a crowd shouting "Eins, zwei, drei - nazi polizei!". A Swedish television
program even send a copy of this version to Daniel Demostier who confirms that it's not on the original version.
Another prosecution for instigation of riot (perhaps this person is already mentioned in previous
cases... perhaps the "command central"?). Date of prosecution: ? Who: ? Status: ?
A 24 year old non-violent swede prosecuted for instigating the riots at the police siege of Hvitfeldska. He was
on the inside, "leading" (he was a "mötesunderlättare", it translates directly to "meeting helper") the meeting
the besieged held to decide what they should do. The meeting decided to walk out collectivly and that the White
Overals would carry their rubber-foam armor and helmets with them out of the school. When the police learned this
they backed down from their promise to let everyone go and the beseiged attempted a non-violent breakthrough with
swedish White Overals in the front. The police had probably learnt of the White Overals upcoming attempt at
breaching the EU summit and it was probably trying to sieze the very rubber-foam armor and helmets some of the
beseiged were trying to carry out of the school. Hence they wouldn't let them go. The police later bragged that
they had filled three containers full with weapons from the school (probably the rubber-foam armor). "Oddly"
enough, all swedish TV viewers got to see of this mighty arsenal was a bucket of cobble stones and clothes
hangers ("hooks to hurt horses", according to Gothenburg chief of police, Hakan Hjaldung). He risked being
sentenced to a long prison sentence and that's a really nice way for the government to reward people's effort at
non-violent, un-masked resistance. A number of people have testified that he never encouraged anybody to use
violence and no witness has testified to the contrary. In spite of this the prosecutor wanted the court to
sentence him to between 3 and 5 years in prison. His defence attorney, Per Rudbäck, said that it is as if the
prosecution is demanding higher and higher sentences for each trial. "This isn't normal". The prosecution realied
heavily on two police witnesses who were very sure of themselves, during this trial. The defence, however, could
show video evidence that proved that the policemen were giving a false description of these particular events.
Police witnesses has been given high credebility during all of the trials... The police did manage to find 0,2
grams of cannabis on his person when he was arrested so he was sentence to pay a fine for that. Another dazzling
victory for the swedish justice system.
Five persons are in prison right now. Of these five persons, three have been locked in since June, one is released (The rest of the persons that are convicted to prison, are waiting to start to serve their sentence)
Contact the solidaritygroup in Goteborg at:
c/o Syndikalistiskt Forum
Box 7267
402 35 Goteborg
Telephone: +46(0)733-16 42 96
Please, give money! We need money to buy things, or in other ways help the prisoners through the time in prison. We also need money to be able to prepare those who are going to prison. Because there is so much people convicted after the summit there is big expences. All money goes directly to the prisoners. All work is done voluntarily. Please help us!
Financial support:
account info:
405 06 Stockholm
Swift "number": pgsisess
Account Name: Nisse-Latts minnesfond
Account number: 27602-2
We have concluded that:
We demand that:
We additionally demand that:
We urge all citizens and organisations, with no regard to their political leanings, to support this call for the defence of justice. If you wish to sign this call, please send mail with name, title/profession and location to: or Erik Wijk, Näckebovägen 3, 272 92 Simrishamn, Zweden.
Wij constateren dat:
Wij eisen dat:
Verder moet(en):
Wij roepen alle burgers en organisaties ongeacht politieke kleur op om zicht achter deze verdediging van de rechtssamenleving te stellen Ondertekenaars kunnen een e-mail sturen naar of via papieren post naar: Erik Wijk, Näckebovägen 3, 272 92 Simrishamn, Zweden. Geef je naam en graag ook eventuele titel of beroep alsmede woonplaats. Pseudonymen worden niet geaccepteerd.
The aftermath of the riots in Gothenburg where three demonstrators were shot by the police, have turned in to a corrupt legal practice which may result in a transformation of the legal system in an unsatisfactory direction, where legal rights of the individual have no place. Here is a résumé of the situation: (some are quoted from the earlier appeal for justice).
The most central process of the ongoing Gothenburg-trials is the one about the "command central". According to the myth created by our media this summer, the riots in Gothenburg were carefully prepared, planned, organized and commanded by a "command central", which directed the "vandals" in the streets. There is, however, a small problem with this conspiracy theory: the persons who allegedly commanded the riots were arrested the first day, and could thereby not have had anything to do with the riots on Friday, which were the most severe. This minor problem in the logics does not hinder that the reason for the ten-fold increase in length of the sentences, the reason mentioned frequently in many of the cases, is the careful preparations, planning and organizing and that they were directed by a "command central". So, what did this so-called "command central" exist of?
Eight teenagers in an apartment, equipped with ONE computer and a few cell-phones, and a little apparatus to monitor the police radio. C'est tout. It is fully legal to monitor the police radio, and they did not hide from anyone what they were doing. The apartment was full of people all day long, and there was a telephone list where you could register for cell-phone text messages (SMS) to know what was going on in the streets and where. The 8 youths and probably several others then sent them information about what was going on in the streets, by what they had heard on the police radio and also read on the newspapers website-coverage. Yet the court did not pay any attention to the other people in the apartment or even who did what - they were judged collectively. For what? The district court first ruled: "instigation of riot". The only substantial evidence consists of 5 SMS (cell-phone text messages) sent to around 50-60 people. The most specific and concrete of the messages reads as follows:
"People are preparing to defend themselves inside Hvitfeldtska. The police are too few. Everybody go there to help their comrades! Spread the word!"
For this, and other much more unclear messages, they were sentenced by the district court to between 3 and 4 years in prison! Since telling people to help their illegally locked-up friends is - obviously - a very criminal act, some 60 brave citizens who, having committed the very same criminal act, turned themselves in at the police station in an act of solidarity. "Should we all spend 4 years in prison?" was the question they asked. After appeals from the convicted, the court of appeal took on the case, and on February 8 the penalties were lowered to between 1 year and 4 months to 2 years and 4 months in prison, and the classification of the crime was changed (!) from "instigating of riot" to "assistance of riot"! The sentence reads:
"It is not clarified if those who received the messages had connection with each other or how they acted as a consequence of the messages".
The word "scandal" is not strong enough: in the sentence itself, they admit that THERE IS NO EVIDENCE FOR THE CRIME THEY ARE SENTENCED FOR. In other words, the court has put aside the very principle upon which the whole legal system rests: NOT GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE. In absence of evidence, the court instead refers to the political views of the accused and their alleged intentions, based on findings among texts in the computer and "political material " in the bookshell! As the Swedish writer Jan Guillou recently noted; not even under the dictatorship of the Swedish king Gustav III (1772-1792) was it possible to put aside that principle. Although that was mentioned in the context of three Swedish citizens having all their partitions confiscated and their sources of income cancelled because of their "complicity in terrorist funding", on order from the United State's UN-legitimised "terror-list", but that is a whole other story... (Must I mention the US refused to present any evidence of their crime?)
Political phoney-trials in Sweden - is it hard to believe? You'd better believe it!
The marriage between the Swedish media and the Swedish police authorities
The fact that the Swedish media hasn't reported the truth about this
should tell you all that's worth knowing about our media-situation. But
there's more to know. Did you know that one rich and (by Swedish measures)
extremely powerful family - the Bonniers - owns 30 percent of the whole
media-market, and that 80% of our daily newspapers are officially right
Media have played a big part in the ongoing scandal and bulldozing of
legal rights and principals. By consequently excluding the controversial
facts from their reporting and actually lying, the journalists have
deceived the public and allowed these happenings, for which there are no
equivalent in Sweden's history, to pass by almost unnoticed. The
journalist either lie or ignore, and the intellectuals seem to be living
on another planet. I think even Noam Chomsky would be surprised by the
moral breakdown on part of the "intellectuals" in Sweden.
The myth about the "command central" is significant for motivating the
outrageous sentences. It was created this summer by the media, after
dubious information from the police, and with great effect rooted it in
the public consciousness. The myth is used to justify the long sentences,
and for that reason, the courts will hang on to it till the end, until it
gets really absurd (Isn't the court of appeal's sentence evidence enough
of this?). Because otherwise, there is nothing motivating them - and then
the whole building will crumble down like a house of cards!
Our hope is that the Supreme Court will take on the case and re-examine
the (non)evidence. If the 8 teenagers are acquitted, this will lead to
more cases being re-examined by the Supreme Court. But this requires that
the journalists start digging. So far they have only shown their apathy
towards justice, their antipathy against demonstrators, and their dislike
to kill a myth of their own making, no matter how absurd and false it is.
Let me finish by quoting Erik Wijk, the only journalist in Sweden who has
examined the sentences:
"It is a social contract that is being dissolved. Equality before the law,
forget it. A police working for the benefit of the public, really? A body
of journalists and intellectuals as a counter-power, what a joke...
The photos from the [vandalism on the] Avenue have stuck on the retinas of
the Swedish people - they think our vital struggle for justice and legal
rights is some kind of defence of terrorists."
We fight a more and more desperate struggle. The Swedish people are blindfolded and either rejoice or slumber as democracy and legal rights sink like a battered ship before their eyes.
One of the persons from that apartment.
Politierapport over EU-top klaar.
´Geweld erger dan verwacht´ Uit de Göteborgs-posten 21-3-02
De politie slaagde in haar opdracht ondanks het feit dat het geweld
krachtiger was dan verwacht. De aktie tegen de Hvitfeldska was beslissend
om de EU-vergadering doorgang te kunnen laten vinden.
Dit zijn enige
konklusies uit het politierapport over de Eurotop De politie in Västra
Götaland heeft afgelopen donderdag haar 180 pagina´s tellende rapport over
het politiewerk gedurende de Eurotop in Göteborg afgelopen zomer
gepresenteerd De top kon zoals gepland doorgang vinden terwijl er
tegelijkertijd 43 verschillende demonstraties gehouden werden in centrale
stadsdelen zonder al te grootschalige afzettingen. Tegelijkertijd meent de
politie dat het diep beklagenswaardig is dat de openbare orde en zekerheid
anderhalf uuur op het Vasa-plein en een half uur op Avenyn niet
gehandhaafd konden worden. Nooit eerder stond de zweedse politie tegenover
een dergelijk krachtig geweld en de kracht en medogenloosheid waren erger
dan verwacht, aldus het rapport. Maar het had veel erger kunnen zijn,
meent de politie. De inzet op de Hvitfeldtska op de 14e juni, het
ingrijpen tegen de zogenaamde kommandocentrale in Högsbo en het arresteren
van vijf deense verdachten voor het voorbereiden van ernstige sabotage
waren beslissend voor het feitof de eurotop doorgang kon vinden zoals
Goede Dialoog
De dialoog van politie werd geroemd in het rapport. Door het werk van de kontaktgroep die zich tussen de politie en de demonstratieleiders bewoog, konden demonstraties doorgang vinden en de openbare orde gehandhaafd worden. Dankzij de dialoog kregen de kriminele demonstranten die zich in de grote demonstraties mengden beperkte utrymme?, aldus het rapport. De aktivistenorganisaties, met uitzondering van Göteborgsaktion 2001, krijgen een pluim van de politie voor het feit dat zij aktief afstand namen van het geweld. Daarom kunnen zij niet bekritiseerd worden voor het geweld en de toegebrachte schade.
De politie in Västra Götaland wil de mogelijkheid krijgen om arrestanten langer vast te houden dan de zes uur die vandaag de dag zijn toegstaan en stelt voor dat deze vraag onderzocht wordt. De politie wil ook een vermommingsverbod voor ´algemene samenkomsten´ naar Deens model. Daarnaast wil de politie in het bijzonder alternatieven onderzoeken voor de hedendaagse bewapening, knuppel en pistool.
De politieaktiviteiten gedurende de eurotop
hebben geleid tot twee eerdere rapporten. Polisförbundet, De
politievakorganisatie, kwam met sterke kritiek tegen de politieinzet.
´Chaos´ was de titel van hun rapport. In een vragenonderzoek getuigde de
politie van een ´brist på utbildning (opleiding)´, onvoldoende uitrusting
en een extreme werkbelasting. De enquete werd gehouden onder 1800 van de
2500 agenten die onder bevel waren in Göteborg. 926 antwoordden en de
vertrouwenskrisis was overduidelijk. 541 agenten uitten een vorm van
kritiek tegen de politieleiding.
Het andere rapport kwam van het bestuur van de Rijkspolitie. Daar werd de
inzet goedgekeurd, maar met een zekere kritiek. Onder andere ´brast
dialogen´ en werd de omvang van het geweld verkeerd ingeschat.
The police raid of the Hvitfeldtska gymnasium is a breakpoint during the riots in Goteborg during the Eu-summit. The cops defend their action by saying that it would have been far worse if they would have not done it. While to me, it is really obviously that it's at that point it all started! In total 50 complaints have been handed to the police from people who were on the inside of the school. All investigations are dropped, even though cops have confessed that they threw stones and searched the wrong busses. The cop who was in charge of the raid, Hakan Jaldung, gave this comment: "A splendid action!"
People have witnessed about unreasonable violence and aggression from cops:
17 year old girl: "they asked me: Are you happy now that the whole town's in chaos? They made me fell really
small. And I don't think that was necessary even if I would have done something."
Woman: "They insulted us, we got to hear a lot of different bad words, said that we smelled bad. We got
threatened time after time when we were sitting there with our hands on our heads."
Man: "We are walking in lines with our hands on our heads. A cop comes up to me and calls me fuckin' faggot and
aim for a punch. He never hits me. He pulls out his stick...calls people that are not from Sweden for different
degrading stuff. Makes fun of people that are not fluid in swedish by retelling their accent."
19 year old girl: "A girl in one of the busses says to a cop: I'm not feeling alright and I have diabetes and
would like to get some help. The cop replies that he doesn't believe her, and leaves. The girl passes out latter
This is how it all happened day by day, hour by hour at the Hvitfeldtska gymnasium:
Wednesday 13/6
21:00 The decision to search the public areas in the school is taken.
Thursday 14/6
09:00 decision to seal off the area is taken.
10:30-11:00 The school is being sealed off.
13:00 Decision about negotiating
15:00-15:15 The people inside the school are told that they are allowed to
leave the school if they get search by cops. 100-150 leave.
16:40 Every cop is ordered to arrest people in the school.
16:42 People are forming lines in the school yard.
16:54 The order is given that no one is allowed to leave or enter the
area. Except ordinary dressed people, after searching.
16:59 Ya Basta takes the front of the lines in the schoolyard.
17:02 The lines are moving towards the cops.
17:09 The attorney has made the decision that this is a violent riot.
17:10 People are ordered to get back.
17:15 Ya Basta is trying to break out through the cop-lines.
17:25 The order is given to arrest the Ya basta group and to push the rest
back with horses.
17:33 Ya basta wants to negotiate - dress off and get out. Not negotiable
according to Hakan Jaldung (the cop in charge of the raid).
17:55 People are ordered to get back.
18:03 The first units are sent in.
18:10 First arrestments made.
Some witness statement made by cops: "When we were done with searching busses, we noticed a little mistake. We searched the wrong busses. Around the corner, we saw another bus, and searched that one as well." People have witnessed that the searches of the busses were extremely violent and that busses got totally smashed.
Another cop: "We let the horses in. We thought the black (block) were so dangerous that it was okay to ride them down." "My department has been using sticks in great numbers. At one point, I threw 3 stones to survive."
Nog niet zo lang geleden stormden mannen met automatische wapens mijn slaapkamer binnen, trok me uit een kaartspel en legde mij neer op een nat schoolplein waar honden en politie naar mij blaften. Ik lag daar met het gezicht naar het asfalt en boosheid kromp tot angst en vertwijfeling. Het duurde een uur voordat ik uiteindelijk van de grond werd gerukt. Een gemaskerde man filmde mij, mijn schoenen werden mij geweigerd en zo werd ik weggereden van het plein. Met een waas van razernij en vernedering dwaalde ik door de nacht met plastic zakken aan mijn voeten. De volgende dag vertrokken we.
Toen konden we in de Göteborgs Posten lezen, als bewijs dat we toch niet hadden gedroomd: "RAZZIA IN HET SCHILLERSKA GYMNASIUM'. Het bericht was kort en meldde dat er geen wapens waren gevonden. In mijn ogen zag het eruit als een overlijdensadvertentie van het geloof in gerechtigheid
Een officier, die nu gedeeltelijk verdacht wordt voor 'fout in dienst', vond dat de aktie bij het Schillerska OK was. Ik stel mij voor dat het een stuk makkelijker is om te vinden dat iets OK is als je er zelf niet door wordt getroffen. De konsument die kleding koopt gefabriceerd met kinderarbeid kan niet het leiden zien waar hij aan bijdraagt. George W Bush vindt duidelijk dat het acceptabel is om burgers te offeren in Afghanistan. Maar welk recht hebben wij andermans lijden te beoordelen?
De machteloosheid en vernedering die ik ervaarde op Schillerska was een duistere en walgelijke ervaring. Verder denk ik dat de kinderarbeiders liever willen spelen en dat de doden in Afghanistan liever zouden willen leven. Maar zij mogen het zelf niet beslissen en in het algemeen wordt hen niet eens iets gevraagd. De manifestatie in Goteborg ging juist hierover dat wij in de rijke wereld solidariteit betuigen met hen wiens stemmen niet gehoord worden, en waar wij een economisch systeem proberen te beinvloeden dat hen 'zonder stem' raakt.
Voor vele jonge mensen brachten de gebeurtenissen in Goteborg een inzicht met zich mee dat protesten niet ongevaarlijk zijn, dat er een keerzijde is van het enthousiasme en engagement dat onverwacht was. De demonstraties in Goteborg waren niet zoals de 1e mei, het voelde niet als manifestaties van het volk.
Men heeft gezegd dat de politieagenten niet voorbereid waren op wat hun stond te wachten. Moet men zich niet afvragen of wij als demonstranten erop voorbereid waren om als vijanden gezien te worden? Een nieuw beeld van activisten kwam naar voren in Seattle, Genua, Praag en Goteborg dat in de meeste gevallen niet overeen kwam met het beeld wat wij van onszelf hebben. Door een mediaberichtgeving die boeit en verleidt wordt door het 'beeldschone' van de brutaliteit van geweld verandert de betekenis van de manifestaties. De media geeft niet langer een verslaggeving van de inhoud maar over de oppervlakte. De demonstranten zijn niet langer mensen, maar veranderen tot een grote donkere dreiging. De opinies zijn niet langer opinies en het woord demonstrant wordt leeg en zonder betekenis omdat men niet vermeldt waar de demonstranten zich tegen verzetten. Het is ironisch dat de man die voor ons beschermd zou moeten worden (George W Bush) waarschijnlijk een van de meest geweldadige en gevaarlijkste mensen is die ooit Goteborg heeft bezocht.
Veel ging verloren in Goteborg, ramen van winkeliers werden verbrijzeld, McDonalds verloor meerdere dagopbrengsten, straatstenen raakten zoek en werden weer gevonden. Maar veel wordt vandaag nog gemist. Bij de Schillerska school gingen op een brute manier mijn ogen open en mijn beeld van Zweden dat ik daarvoor had, bleek plots erg naief. Wij die bij Schillerka waren werden als bij toverslag van onze grondleggende burgerlijke rechten ontdaan en die zijn daarna niet meer teruggegeven. Om op te komen voor iets kost ontzettend veel moeite, om buiten het eigen kringetje te kijken, het televisietoestel uit te zetten en zich te bekommeren om de wereld om je heen vergt veel. In het donker bij Schillerska voelde het alsof wij onze betrokkenheid door ons strot geduwd kregen.
Vandaag weet men dat actie van de politie bij Schillerska een vergissing was. Bij de school vond men geen wapens, niemand verzette zich en geen van diegene die in de school verbleven zijn verdachten van een strafbare handeling gebleken. Maar de vergissing wordt meer dan een vergissing als het stilletjes voorbij gaat. Dan wordt het, zoals Hlkan Jaldung zei, iets waar men rekening mee moet houden. En moet men daar rekening mee houden, moet men ook met andere dingen rekening houden; een vermoeide apathie en woede als twee kanten van hetzelfde munt. Als onrechtvaardigheden onbemerkt voorbij mogen gaan, zal die solidariteit die tussen een maatschappij en hun burgers moet bestaan, worden uitgehold.
Politici en politieleiding moeten aangeven dat wat er bij Schillerska gebeurde fout was. Gedeeltelijk omdat ik en mijn 'pech-kamraden' behoefte hebben aan die genoegdoening maar ook om de nadruk op te leggen op de humanitaire waarden waar een maatschappij op moet steunen. Hoe moeten we het geloof terugkrijgen in een staat en maatschappij wanneer dezelfde maatschappij de rug toekeert op hetzelfde moment wanneer men van zijn democratische rechten gebruik van maakt? Wat is het geloof in demokratie waard wanneer het demokratische recht van meningsuiting niets waard is?
De politieaangifte die wij deze zomer deden heeft in zoverre ik weet niet tot iets geleidt, ondanks overeenstemmend getuigen. De stilte over de politieactie bij Schillerska moet worden gebroken omdat er anders een enge vraag gesteld wordt: Als het mogelijk is om wat wij meemaakten stil te houden, wat kan er dan allemaal nog meer stilgehouden worden?
Elias Granath, student, en: Pernillla Edin, David Flato, Magdalena Hulth, Maria Hulth, Petter Westerman, Jenny Appelblad. (Vertaald dd 27-4-2002 Sara/Ox)
In totaal werden 1000 mensen van hun vrijheid beroofd, veelal op brutale wijze. Burgers die hun recht op demonstratie uitoefenden, diskussieerden en vergaderden of alleen maar aan het dansen waren, werden tegemoetgetreden met containters, knuppels en pistolen. Hierop volgde een mediahetze zonder gelijke. Tieners die wakker werden met automatische wapens van elitetroepen boven hun hoofd konden later lezen dat zij zelf gewapende terroristen waren. Dit mediale schandaal vormde en vormt de grondslag voor het gerechtelijke schandaal dat hierop volgde en nog steeds bezig is. Mensen worden van gevangenis naar gevangenis gesleept en vastgehouden met behulp van bewijs in de vorm van gemanipuleerde films en agenten die valse getuigenissen afleggen.
Het doel van het optreden van de machthebbers wordt langzamerhand
zonneklaar. Een beweging die in potentie sympathie bij vele mensen zou
kunnen winnen wordt verdachtgemaakt. Daarnaast veroorzaakt een dergelijke
houding ook een versplintering en strijd binnen de beweging.
Tegelijkertijd is het van belang om het positieve van Goteborg vast te
houden. Zweden heeft al lang niet meer een dergelijke grote mobilisatie
van een beweging gekend met onder andere meerdere indrukwekkende
demonstraties. Twee ervan hadden elk tegen de 30.000 deelnemers.
Wij roepen daarom organisaties in het hele land op om te mobiliseren voor
een lokale maar synchrone aktie om de straten en pleinen op te gaan op de
15e juni om onze stemmen gehoord te laten worden.
Dit om solidariteit te tonen met de mensen die vast hebben gezeten, vast
zitten of nog moeten. Het kan ons een gelegenheid bieden om samen te
strijden voor een andere geschiedschrijving dan die door de media naar
voren wordt gebracht. De beweging kan zo een hernieuwde impuls krijgen na
De initiatiefnemers zijn mensen die bezig zijn met buitenparlementair links in Stockholm waar we ons o.a. bezig houden met gerechtelijk solidariteitswerk nar de Goteborgsgebeurtenissen.
Het 15e juni initiatief Stockholm
Kontaktpersoon: Jens Larsson . Telefon 073-7688047.
Dit is een vrije en ingekorte vertaling van de oorspronkelijke oproep.
DEMONSTRATIE: De politie wil een vesting Noorwegen scheppen
gedurende een wereldbank konferentie in Oslo 24-26 juni. Demonstranten uit
het buitenland worden uitgezet op verdenkingen, zonder eerdere
veroordeling of straf. Door Magnus E. Marsdal, vrijdag 05 april, 2002 Wij
kijken naar de ervaringen van Gøteborg. We beramen iets vergelijkbaars
hier in Oslo, meldt de informatiechef Inger Elisabeth Hindahl van Oslo
Politidistrikt aan Klassekampen. Er zijn ongeveer 2000 agenten nodig in
Oslo tijdens de ABCDE-konferentie, meent de politie. Hiermee wordt het een
groter gebeuren dan het bezoek van Bill Clinton .
Het is moeilijk om te weten of deze konferentie gaat behoren tot de
prioriteiten van de demonstranten. Maar we zijn bezig met inlichtingenwerk
om uit te vinden hoeveel zullen komen, zegt Hindal.
De politie heeft nu maar alvast 72 miljoen kronen uitgetrokken voor de inzet rond de konferentie. Hindahl zegt dat de politie alle toegankelijke methoden zal toepassen om de veiligheid, orde en vrijheid van meningsuiting te garanderen. Demonstranten uit het buitenland kunnen worden gestopt bij de grens. We kunnen van de gelegenheid gebruik maken om strengere grenskontroles in te voeren, aldus Hindahl. In dat geval moet het justitiedepartement paragraaf 2.2 van de Schengenovereenkomst gebruiken om het vrije verkeer van burgers buiten werking te kunnen stellen op grond van de ´openbare orde of zekerheid van de staat´. Dit moet gebeuren na overleg met de andere Schengen-landen.
Het liefst Uitwijzing
De politie aan de grens en in het land zullen gebruik maken van paragraaf 57 en 58 van de buitenlanderswet, die verwijdering en uitwijzing regelt van EEA-burgers (=ongeveer EU + EFTA). Zij kunnen worden uitgewezen wanneer de openbare orde of veiligheid dit verlangen.
-In een dergelijke situatie zullen we ons voornamelijk richten op
uitwijzing (utvising) in plaats van verwijdering (??)(bortvising) zodat ze de dag erna niet zomaar weer erin kunnen komen aldus Runa Bunæs
Uitwijzing betekent ook een inreisverbod. bijna altijd voor minimaal twee jaar. Het Utlendingsdirektoratet neemt in elke individuele zaak een beslissing.
De politie heeft ruime volmachten voor het interpreteren van de openbare orde en veiligheid.
-Als er mensen komen die bekend zijn van bijvoorbeeld de onrust in
Gøteborg die niet een acceptabele reden hebben om in Noorwegen te zijn, zal dit genoeg zijn om hen uit te wijzen, meent Bunæs.
Paragraaf 58 stelt dat uitwijzing kan gebeuren wanneer bij de buitenlander de persoonlijke situatie een aktuele en ernstige bedreiging is voor de samenleving
Bunæs benadrukt dat het niet noodzakelijk is dat de persoon eerder veroordeeld is om onder paragraaf 58 te vallen. Zij verwacht dat deze wet aktief gebruikt zal worden indien vele demonstranten naar het land komen en het bestuur bang is voor rotzooi.
-Deze wet wordt zeer zelden gebruikt, maar de situatie zoals jij die
schetst is precies waarvoor deze wet is bedoeld.
Radiokanaal p4 meldt dat de politie voor 20 miljoen beschermingsspullen heeft aangeschaft om in de straten van Oslo te gebruiken. In een brief naar het Politidirektoratet schrijft de politimeister Arnstein Gjengedal dat Oslo Politidistrikt daarbij nog veel kosten zal hebben aan mensen van defensie, arrestantenkapaciteit, barrikademateriaal, helikopterhuur, speciale voertuigen, eerste hulpmaterialen, radioverbindingen en inkwartiering.
Aktivisteninfo te vinden op
The SIS, Europe's biggest law enforcement database, was created under the Schengen Agreement of 1985 and went online in March 1995. Member states contribute data to the SIS. In May 1999, the SIS contained nearly ten million records, including more than 1.3 million names and aliases (these are the latest figures in the public domain, and perhaps the last).
Extending the SIS
The Council of the European Union (the 15 EU governments) are discussing
plans to create two new dedicated databases on the Schengen Information
System (SIS). Both of these new databases are being put forward under the
post 11 September "Anti-terrorism roadmap".
The first database would cover public order and protests and lead to
"Barring potentially dangerous persons from participating in certain
events [where the person is] notoriously known by the police forces for
having committed recognized facts of public order disturbance".
The second database would be a register of all third country nationals in
the EU who will be tagged with an "alert" if they overstay their visa or
residence permit - this follows a call by the German government for the
creation of a "centralized register".
The targeting of "known individuals" will be based on information gathered at national level (by police and security agencies) and passed on to the SIS in Strasbourg. The database of suspected "troublemakers" held on the SIS will then be accessed by police and internal security agencies when there is an assumed "threat" for a particular event in that country. This would deny people the right of free movement in the EU and the right to protest. However, the placing of an "alert" on the SIS that a "targeted" person is a suspected "troublemaker" could be accessed - during a specific event - and used to stop them traveling for other purposes such as visiting friends or to go on holiday - it would constitute a quasi criminal record. Moreover, the construction at national level of a register of "known individuals" means that quite ordinary and everyday political activity of groups and organizations will have to be placed under regular surveillance.
"anarchist terrorism"
Europol, through the Situation and Trends report on terrorist activity in the EU, is aiming at criminalizing the radical left and expanding the concept of terrorism.
One new category added in 2001 was "eco-terrorism" on which the report gives no examples. The report simply says in total that: "Radical environmentalists and animal rights movements have maintained a limited campaign. Nevertheless, the material damage they caused was extensive". No definition of "eco-terrorism" is given nor is one planned in the proposed extension of Europol's role.
Another new category, which is even more problematic, is that of "anarchist terrorism". In February 2001 a Europol seminar on counter-terrorism held in Madrid agreed on a proposal by Spain, Portugal, Greece and Italy to set up a joint investigation team on "anarchist terrorism". It appears that after Genoa in July 2001 Europol may have set up an "analysis file" on "anarchist terrorism" which in turn fed through into this Situation report. Interviewed by a German newspaper in August Jurgen Storbeck, Europol's Director, said the so-called "Black Block" of anarchists could be seen as "terrorist or pre-terrorist".
The report says that "anarchist terrorism" could be a symptom of the possible "resurrection of left wing terrorism" and refers to a series of terrorist attacks "in the southern part of the Union". In fact all the incidents referred to are in Italy, and the report claims that these examples could spark the return of EU-wide "left wing and anarchist terrorism".
radical extremist groups terrorising society"
The Spanish Presidency of the EU proposed, in a report dated 29 January,
that law enforcement and intelligence agencies should exchange information
on "terrorist incidents" to combat the increase during "various European
Union summits and other events, in violence and criminal damage
orchestrated by radical extremist groups, clearly terrorising society".
However, at the meeting of the EU's Working Party on Terrorism on 4 February, various delegations insisted "public order incidents are not always terrorist related. A clear distinction should be made. Incidents at the G7 Summit in Genoa were not caused by terrorists."
As there is already in place a "standard form" and procedure to report
and coordinate information and intelligence on real terrorist incidents, the proposal of the Spanish Presidency can only be seen as seeking to get the backing of other member states to extend terrorist reporting/intelligence to protests and normal democratic activity.
What is extraordinary about the Presidency proposal is that the same
working party has already agreed on a standard form to exchange information on terrorism in a series of meetings last year, before 11 September. Discussions were clearly concerned with real "terrorism" and not protests and protestors.
Europol and the SIS
EU working parties are to begin making preparations to give Europol access
to the Schengen Information System (SIS). Both legal changes and technical
measures are necessary, and work is to begin immediately. The proposals
will not just allow Europol to consult data, but to add and amend it as
well. Under the two-stage EU Presidency proposal, phase one covers
"immediate access to all information" with a "partial download" facility.
Phase two provides for the "possibility of updating SIS by adding,
deleting and modifying information".
Europol has long wanted access to the SIS and given the failure of several of their "analysis work files" because of a reluctance of member states to share their intelligence data, being able to trawl the SIS for information would give the agency access to extensive EU-wide data. Law enforcement and administrative agencies' access to the SIS is restricted to certain categories of data but it is presumed that Europol will have full access.
The further possibility that Europol could also delete and modify
information would effectively make Europol custodian of the database. At present, data can only be added by authorities in the member states, and only the state which entered information can amend or delete it (although the supervisory body on data protection can order its deletion). If the phase-two proposals are implemented, Europol would be the only law enforcement agency with central executive powers over data on the SIS (since the member states only have jurisdiction over their own data). This would raise a number of highly contentious legal issues with regard to data protection, privacy and civil liberties.
SIS II , EU's "Big Brother" database
"Requirements" for SIS II, the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS) have been outlined by the EU. The proposals would introduce a number of new functions for the SIS, allow more types of personal information to be retained, provide wider access to law enforcement and administrative agencies and reduce data protection standards.
Under the proposals SIS II will contain new additional "identification material" such as photographs, fingerprints and "possibly even other material" (a potentially veiled reference to DNA profiles) as well as "intelligence markers", or police supposition, which would bring in suspected offences, any "psychological danger", covert markers (eg. "suspected drug dealer") and objects "owned, held or used".
The document also suggests biometrics records that would be linked by "SIS II to national databases for... facial/iris recognition, number plate recognition and fingerprint identification". In addition it is proposed to create "new categories of objects for the purpose of seizure, use as evidence in criminal proceedings or surveillance" and to record every search on the SIS that is carried out. It is claimed that this would allow greater data protection supervision although it would also expose enquiries by authorities in one member states to those of all the others.
Data held in SIS II is to be made available to a number of new agencies. Europol and Eurojust will have access to SIS II - Europol may even be able to add, amend, modify and delete data. Public prosecutors and magistrates will be able to access the European Arrest Warrants which will be retained on the SIS and transmitted to police through either the SIRENE bureaux or Interpol (this matter is still under discussion).
Access for security and intelligence services is proposed and symbolises the way in which the SIS is being developed. This was not envisaged in the Schengen Convention and in fact provision was made for allowing "alerts" to be placed on the SIS on their behalf .
The intention is two-fold: First, to give the security and intelligence agencies direct access to the SIS and second to create on the SIS a "restricted access terrorist database". The rationale is to develop "alert and intervention plans" to deal with "transfrontier terrorist acts".
Tony Bunyan, Statewatch editor, commented:
"At the end of 2001 there were 10,541,271 records held on the SIS and this figure will grow enormously over the next few years, as will the number of state agencies who will have access to it. In the wake of 11 September records on protestors, terrorist "suspects", refugees and possibly all resident third country nationals are to be added.
The Schengen Joint Supervisory Authority has some oversight powers over data protection issues but none over the operation of the Schengen acquis as a whole. Nor is there any longer an annual report on the whole of the Schengen operation - this was arbitrarily abolished after May 1999 when the Amsterdam Treaty came into effect.
Furthermore to propose that EU security and intelligence agencies should have access to all SIS data without amending the Schengen Convention would be very simply unlawful.
We are heading for a situation where an enormous, intrusive, database will affect the lives of thousands of people without any proper accountability to parliaments let alone to civil society"
Addresses of people in jail and support groups
Prosecutions and verdicts, some detailed cases
Update from Solidaritetsgruppen, March 6th 2002
Call for Justice after the Occurrences in Gothenburg
Oproep voor gerechtigheid na de gebeurtenissen in Goteborg
Sweden is heading towards an indefinite future where justice may have no place
40 Gothenburg police suspected of neglect of duty
Letter sent to Motkraft on April 11th 2002
Nog een politierapport Goteborg
Article from Göteborgs-posten 24.03.2002
Wij eisen genoegdoening voor de overtreding van de politie
Het 15e Juni Initiatief
Noorwegen sluit grenzen bij ABCDE-vergadering
Statewatch reports related to Schengen Information System (SIS) and Europol